Page 9 - F-166 - A Brief History of the Big Book - Una breve historia del Libro Grande - L'histoire du Gros Livre en bref
P. 9

the January 19, 1956 minutes of the Board of Direc-
           tors of A.A. Publishing, it was noted that A.A. groups

           in Spain wanted copies of the same translation made
           available to their members.

              For a number of years several Spanish translations of
           the Big Book were in circulation. When the General Ser-
           vice Offi ce hired the fi rst Spanish Services coordinator, he

           carefully reviewed the existing translations and expressed
           concern about the version that was then in distribution.
           Collaborating with the in-house Spanish editor/translator,

           he then reviewed another existing translation and having
           confi rmed its faithfulness to the English original, circulat-
           ed this version to the member countries of CIATAL, the

           Iberoamerican Commission on Translation and Adaptation
           of A.A. Literature, for comment.

              Following receipt of feedback, A.A. World Services,
           Inc. decided in 1986 to publish this carefully reviewed
           translation of the Spanish Big Book exclusively.

              There was not a Spanish translation of the Big Book
           printed anywhere in the world that included a personal
           history section until Vincente M., Spanish Services staff

           member at the General Service Offi ce, spearheaded the

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