Page 3 - The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous
P. 3

stories were added. In Part III (“They Lost Nearly All”), eight
              stories were retained; five new ones were added.

              This fourth edition includes the Twelve Concepts for World
              Service and revises the three sections of personal stories as
              follows. One new story has been added to Part I, and two that
              originally appeared in Part III have been repositioned there; six
              stories have been deleted. Six of the stories in Part II have been
              carried over, eleven new ones have been added, and eleven taken
              out. Part III now includes twelve new stories; eight were
              removed (in addition to the two that were transferred to Part I).

              All changes made over the years in the Big Book (A.A. members’
              fond nickname for this volume) have had the same purpose: to
              represent the current membership of Alcoholics Anonymous
              more accurately, and thereby to reach more alcoholics. If you
              have a drinking problem, we hope that you may pause in reading
              one of the forty-two personal stories and think: “Yes, that
              happened to me”; or, more important, “Yes, I’ve felt like that”; or,
              most important, “Yes, I believe this program can work for me
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