Page 10 - F-166 - A Brief History of the Big Book - Una breve historia del Libro Grande - L'histoire du Gros Livre en bref
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effort to produce one in 1987. The fruit of that effort,
           the 1990 edition of the Spanish Alcoholics Anonymous,

           was the fi rst to include both the basic text and 12 Span-
           ish-language stories.

              Subsequently, in 2004, the General Service Con-
           ference recommended that a third edition of the Big
           Book in Spanish be prepared. Thus, a major effort was

           undertaken by a special committee composed of three
           professional translators, including the G.S.O. Spanish
           editorial staff, a G.S.O. staff member and two A.A.

           members. The third edition would include an expand-
           ed section of personal stories originally written in Span-
           ish. From a total of nearly 200 submissions, the com-

           mittee chose 32 new stories for publication.
              The third edition Spanish Big Book was published

           in February 2008. Currently in its fi fth printing, it is
           distributed globally in the United States, Latin Ameri-
           ca, Europe and other countries.

           How the French Big Book was born

           The story of the French translation of  Alcoholics

           Anonymous is focused in the French-speaking province

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